10 Thought Leaders On Remote Working To Follow

If you’re looking for some inspiration to help you take your remote working model to the next level, it can help to tune in to some of the top thought leaders in the business to guide you. The best thought leaders in this space are visionaries, innovators, entrepreneurs and academics who believe in the power of remote working and have spent their careers championing it.

We want to shine the spotlight on these powerhouses, so that you can follow their insights too. Take a look…

  • Sara Sutton

Sara Sutton is the CEO of FlexJobs and regularly writes on the topics of working from home and the remote business model. She might inspire you to champion remote working within your business, or even become more open-minded to the idea of working remotely yourself. Check out her articles on LinkedIn for some added motivation to make remote working successful within your business. 

  • Rishi Khanna

As the owner of several remote businesses, and one business that helps companies outsource work and build their own remote teams, Rishi is the go-to thought leader for all things remote working. Follow him on LinkedIn for remote work insights and articles that follow the latest trends and updates in the industry. An exciting entrepreneur who is able to wear lots of expert hats – remote working being one of them.

  • Andreas Klinger 

Andreas is someone who holds the hottest title in the remote working field at the moment – Head Of Remote Work. This new title is coming in as businesses are having to adapt to a more remote model due to the pandemic. Andreas is a great person to follow to learn more about how to manage people in the face of great change.

  • Greg Caplan

Greg is the CEO of Remote Year – a company who helps people work remotely whilst they travel. It is an innovative and exciting company that is helping people live their dreams! Follow for inspiration and practical guidance on how you might be able to work more effectively remotely.

  • Liam Martin

Liam is an avid networker in the remote working space, and has his own co-founded remote work conference which helps him connect like-minded remote workers. Liam is great to follow on YouTube for quick and easy digestible insights into how to work with the new remote-first economy.

  • Joel Gascoigne 

As the co-founder and CEO of Buffer, Joel has first hand experience of building a remote-first company culture that has been really successful – he built one of the best social media brands on the globe. Joel writes on remote working over on the Buffer blog – a great place to do some quiet reading and absorb his knowledge.

  • Amir Salihefendić

Amir is the founder of Doist – the task management software that is helping people get things done remotely. It makes sense then that he regularly talks on the best ways to manage teams remotely and offers great guidance on his talent academy podcast.

  • Chris Herd

Chris is the CEO and founder of FirstBase, a company that helps businesses set up remote workers from a financial and physical equipment standpoint. He is a great character and expert to follow on Twitter for regular insights and bite sized chunks of knowledge.

  • Rob Ryan

Rob is the founder of a company called Growthhax, and regularly spends his time helping entrepreneurs scale up and grow. He is an active commentator on remote working and writes articles, tweets and podcasts on the best ways we can work remotely to grow as businesses.

  • Darren Murph

Darren is the head of remote at Gitlab – a dev ops lifecycle tool that helps businesses take their tech work remote. Darren looks after all aspects of remote working at Gitlab and works with clients to help them work remotely with ease. He uses his platform to inspire Gitlabs clients, but in the process he often inspires the public too. Learn more about him over on the Gitlab site.



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