Category: General

Where is BorderlessMind team located?

BorderlessMind HQ is located in NOIDA (a suburb of New Delhi, India). All Resources assigned to clients are full-time employees of the company. We have a US Sales Office located in Plano...

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How do I manage my offshore staff or team member?

Your resource will become an extension of your team and should be treated as such. You will set their key performance areas and development goals. However, BorderlessMind will provide a dedicated...

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Why BorderlessMind?

We believe that through outsourcing, small-to-medium-sized businesses can gain a competitive advantage. We understand businesses and recognize the challenges they face in today’s fast-paced and...

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Why are BorderlessMind rates so competitive?

BorderlessMind is committed to providing highly skilled and top quality talent to our clients at a nominal cost. Internally we price the resource based on Cost Plus model. We maintain high...

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